Interviews, Conferences
& Community
Conversations from the Cullman Center: Mumbai, Terror, and Islam
Inside the New York Public Library
Watch and/or listen here

Director of Women's & Gender Studies at Montclair State University
Introduction to program
From Terrorism to Television: State and Media in Pakistan on Naya Daur. Panel discussion in which Fawzia Afzal-Khan speaks about her essay in The Politics of Pity, a book about Malala Yousafzai and Mukhtaran Mai.

On 2020 US elections and what they mean for Pakistan and Pakistani Americans

Invited Talk at Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, Scholarly and Performance Work in Service of Social Justice (May 2017)
Panelist with Professors Robert J.C. Young and Richard Schechner, Humanities Symposium Arranged by Dr. Waseem Anwar, Forman Christian College, Lahore (February 2017)
Paper Presented at National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), “The Respectable Courtesan: Reading Malka Pukhraj’s Performative Memoir, Song Sung True,” (November 2016)
Paper Presented at International Federation of Theatre Research, Stockholm University, “Unsettling the Nation: Pop-Sufi Divas of Pakistani Coke Studio,” (June 2016)
Invited by Prof Richard Schechner as Speaker at NYU, Abu Dhabi; Talk about a Pakistani Women Singers Book Project and Screened Film Sample of Siren Song (April 2016)
Public Lecture, “Malala Yousafzai and Mukhtaran Mai, plus Memoir Reading” at Worcester State University, Massachusetts, Sponsored by the Global Studies Program, Honorarium (April 2015)
Delivered Paper, “Muslim Women’s Performances in New York Post 9/11,” Annual Convention of International Federation of Theatre Research, University of Amsterdam (July 2002)
Plenary Panelist, Sixth Annual Performance Studies International (PSI) Conference, NYU (April 2002)
Speaker, University of Madison, Wisconsin, South Asia Distinguished Speakers Series, “Where are the Muslim Feminist Voices,” Honorarium (April 2002)
Speaker, Nassau Community College, New York, Distinguished Speaker Series on Islam, “Here are the Muslim Feminist Voices!” Honorarium (April 2002)
Speaker, Philadelphia Community College, Pennsylvania, “Teaching an Undergraduate Course on Muslim Women Writers,” Honorarium (March 2002)
Speaker, “Islam: The Religion Behind the Politics, and the Politics Behind the Religion, Brecht Forum, New York City (February 2002)
Presenter, Sixth Annual International Conference of the Arab’s Women Solidarity Association, Cairo, Egypt (January 2002)
Presenter, International Federation of Theatre Research Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, “Exposed by Pakistani Street Theatre: The Unholy Alliance of Postmodern Capitalism, Patriarchy and Fundamentalism.,” (July 2001)
Panelist, International Sociological Association Conference, New York University, “Social Movements and New Social Communities: North/South Globalizations,” (April 2001)

Participating in JVP's Cease Fire Now Mass Rally at Grand Central Terminal
Students for Justice in Palestine Rally at Montclair State University

With SJP, at MSU
Panel on Legacy of British Colonialism sponsored by
Seven Continents Press.
Patriarchy Is Not the Only Problem
Keynote Speaker at 9th World Conference on Womens Studies held in Bangkok, Thailand
May 2023
Book Club: Heat and Dust
Leo Baeck Institute
Guest Speaker
August 2023
Watch here

A Tribute to Nawal El Saadawi with Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Miriam Cooke, Leila Ahmed and more
Clips from Fawzia's keynote speech at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Foundation Fundraiser
Washington, DC, October 30 2022

Memorial for world renowned feminist Nawal el Saadawi, organized and moderated by Fawzia Afzal-Khan
Eulogies by Souhair Soukkary; Leila Ahmed; Omnia Amin; Salah Diab; Evelyne Accad; Margot Badran; Miriam Cooke; Robin Morgan; Zillah Eisenstein; Kadija George; Adele Newson-Horst; Vijay Prashad; Robert J.C. Young
In memoriam - performance of sufi song by Fawzia Afzal-Khan
Watch here
Book Talk on Siren Song
Department of English, Montclair State University
April 2021
Fawzia's interview on MLA’s “What’s the Word” with Sally Plackson on Nawal el Saadawi’s novel The Fall of the Imam
Rode hoed event in Amsterdam, Sep 2018, discussing the documentary film, "Holy Mama," currently being directed and produced by Ibrahim Quraishi, in which Fawzia Afzal-Khan is a speaker, interviewee, and participant.
Women, Land & Livelihoods:
A Critical Feminist Perspective
KPFA - Apex Express
Listen to podcast here
Interview with Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Read full interview here
Q: What do you think about the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement which is aimed at putting economic and financial pressure on Israel? The European governments don't have any inclination to subscribe to this movement but many influential figures and institutions have joined it. That said, do you think the BDS movement will be successful in its goals, which is changing the behavior and policies of Israel?
FAK: I think BDS is already having an effect in calling attention to the unjust state policies of Israel which is why academics and students who don’t pose any real threat to the state of Israel are nonetheless treated like major enemies, detained at Israeli borders if they wish to enter, named on Zionist watch lists in academia in the US and so on. If more and more universities and other companies investing in Israeli companies and goods and services can be encouraged to join BDS, surely this will become a worldwide economic movement which like the anti-apartheid movement against South African businesses that helped topple that racist regime, will result in the same in the Israeli case.
In my own case, teaching in a US university for over three decades, I’ve observed a shift in the discourse and perception of Israeli state policies from either ignorance or fear of criticising the same to many more folks especially students becoming more and more aware of the injustices being perpetrated against Palestinians and the complete disregard of their human rights by Israeli government.
“What’s happening in Kashmir is yet another example of colonial hangover”
Interview in The News, by Dr. Qaisar Abbas
Lahore with Love, book launch at the Rubin Museum of Art, New York City
Roundtable: ME Crisis and Pakistan
Conversation (in Urdu) between Fawzia Afzal-Khan, S.M. Ghazanfar, Anwar Syed, Shabbir Safdar, Mohammad Akram, and Agha Saeed
New Trends in Sufi Music
Dr Agha Saeed interviews Professor Fawzia Afzal-Khan on her music
Panelist at Colonialism, Education and Sexualities Panel Discussion
SOAS Festival of Ideas
"What does it mean to be colonised? Why is my curriculum white? How do I research sexualities? What books are available to me? These questions are simple yet they carry the weight of colonialism, education and sexualities. In this panel, our group of experts discuss how a postcolonial and decolonising lens has reconfigured their relationships to these themes in disciplinary teaching, research and publishing practice."
Reading and panel discussion with (and proposed and organized by) Fawzia Afzal-Khan Ayad Akhtar, Aasif Mandvi, Neilesh Bose, Jamil Khoury, and Jill Dolan
New Wave Global interviews: Professor Fawzia Afzal discusses the growing Israel-Palestine tensions and academic vulnerability, including tactics used (labels of “antisemitism”) to silence and suppress calls for ceasefire
Israel's War Crimes, Dehumanization, and Calls for Humanity
Silencing Dissent: Academia's Response to the Palestine-Israel Conflict