"What is important to note for our purposes here, in tracing the debate in post-Partition Pakistan about the '[im]proper' place of the musical arts and within those, of women performers such as Malka Pukhraj and others, is that there is a delicious irony in the fact that the derogration of the "tawaif" - synecdoche for a whole way of life (Muslim Mughal culture), as embodied in the singing and dancing arts, which in turn were embedded in North India's Muslim-led classical traditions - actually began in the Hindu national imaginary emerging in the decades leading up to Independence of India from the British and the resulting Partition. Why? Because the "tawaif" had become a symbol of Muslim glory in the Hindu psyche, given its Mughal roots. What irony, then, that this self-defeating position, originating as part of the Hindu national project, was adopted post 1947, by the Muslim state of Pakistan!"
– From The Respectable Courtesan
Doing History Right: Challenging Masculinist Postcolonialism in Pakistani Anglophone Literature
Routledge Companion to Pakistani Anglophone Literature
Editors: Kanwal, Aroosa and Saiyma Aslam
Pages 185 – 200
The Respectable Courtesan: Malka Pukhraj, Music and the Postcolonial Nation
Performing Islam
Volume 6,  Number 1
Pages 41– 59(19)
May 2017
Peer Reviewed e-Journal, Arab Stages
December 2014
Alternative Dramaturgy for "Jihad Against Violence: Oh Isis Up Yours!”
Co-authored by Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Nesrin Alrefaai and Katherine Mezur
Published simultaneously in Arab Stages
Volume 1, Number 2
The Drama Review
The MIT Press
Volume 64, Number 3
Pages 191 – 224
Fall 2020
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
Duke University Press
March 2022
Journal of International Women's Studies
Volume 24, Issue 2
Article 16
Summer 2022
Co-Editor of South Asian Feminisms and Youth Activism: Focus on India and Pakistan
Journal of International Women's Studies
Special Issue
Volume 24, Issue 2
Other Writing
3 Quarks Daily
March 2018
Sugar Mule
South Asian Review
Creative Writing Issue
Editors: Amritjit Singh and John Hawley
Seminar on Women and Development, Lahore
Women's Studies Quarterly
Billy Bush Sam-Ton
Poets Against the War Anthology
Editor: Sam Hamill
Published by Thunder Mouth Press, New York
"Noise in the shape
Of words whistling
Contorted into
Breath that smells
Of death approaching
Slowly sour
Patching memories
Only she can enter
– From Whistling Mummy
Afghanistan Redux: Malala Yousafzai, White Feminism and Saving Afghan Women
August 2021
Reading of an excerpt from La Vie En Rouge: Of Dreamscapes and Destinies, published in The Aleph Review's inaugural issue, 2017